KDHS has commenced the KAILASA’s Covid Care Program offering accommodation, food and basic necessities free of cost for all regardless of caste, religion, color, age or gender.
KDHS aims to eradicate poverty from the world and expand the divine consciousness and help individuals experience their higher identity.
Paramashiva Calls
The Paramashiva Calls Project is a public service that provides a unique opportunity to gain valuable cosmic solutions.
Science Of Unclutching
Science of unclutching teaches about the makeup of the mind and how we ‘clutch’ and create joy or suffering. Unclutching is a ground-breaking technique to stop connecting thoughts and rest in unclutched awareness, Nirvikalpa Sthithi.
Science Of Completion
The Science of Completion is nothing but knowing and experiencing that anything that stands in the way of Oneness is an illusion, no matter how real or believable it may appear.
Healing Services
KDHS has an abiding commitment to providing uninterrupted coordination to the raising of the World’s consciousness catalyzing a blissful, thriving and prosperous future for Humanity through the science of Nithya Spiritual Healing.
Global Akhanda Nirvikalpa Samadhi Jnana Yajna
KDHS in collaboration international humanitarian agency, Saffron OM has further taken the responsibility to engage the whole of humanity to experience Nirvikalpa Samadhi by preparing through various means such as but not limited to chanting; 108 upanishad for 42 minutes, Bhagavad Gita for 21 minutes and Mahavakya for 1 hour.
Paramashiovham Level 2
Paramashivoham is an immersive 16-day awakening event to teach the science of manifesting the ultimate consciousness.
Inner Awakening
Inner Awakening is a 21-day spiritual transformation program through yoga at all levels of body and mind.
KHS recognizes the need to practice not only positive parenting but enlightened parenting with its benefits extending to not only the parents but also the wellbeing of the child.